Privacy policy.


Bridgetools ( Privacy Policy

Bridgetools takes your privacy seriously and is very committed to protecting your privacy rights. We want you to know why we collect your personal information, what we collect, how we use it, and for how long we store it. We also want you to know how you can access, amend, correct, and in some cases, delete your information. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Who we are

Bridgetools B.V. (“Bridgetools”) is the legal name for Founded in Amsterdam in 2004, with a presence in the U.K., provides marketing services (“Services”) to brands (“Client” or “Clients”).

Your Relationship with us

If you have registered and are participating in any of the programs that we operate on behalf of a Client, have a question about how your information is processed in this program or have any other requests relating to your (personal) data in such a program, please contact the owner of the program (our Client) or sender of the communication.

If you are registering to our list to which we provide information to (marketing) professionals, please approach us with any question you might have about us.

Information processed in our Platform and Services

Our Clients use our Platform and other products, tools and Services to build programs that (often) contain webpages that people can visit or receive to learn more about their program, business and/or make online transactions, and campaign services to help them create online marketing campaigns through email, SMS and/or chat. Bridgetools does not control the content of these webpages or messages.

Information that is collected using our Services on behalf of our clients belongs to them and is used, disclosed and protected by them according to their privacy policies. The data and information of our clients is not subject to this Privacy Policy.

With regards to the Experience & Loyalty Cloud and other products and Services we provide, we collect information under the direction of our clients and have no direct relationship with the individuals/consumers whose Personal Information we process.

Why we collect information

  • We usually operate in the role of data processor when we collect information on behalf of our Clients that use our Platform or Services to offer companies or consumers a (customer experience and/or loyalty) program. We collect this information to be able to deliver our Services to our Clients, to send consumers important operational information, for contractual reasons, to process financial and/or non-financial transactions, and for legal and regulatory reasons. Because we are seldom in direct contact with consumers, and only operate programs on behalf of Clients, we regard the obtainment of the consumer’s consent the responsibility and liability of our Client.

  • If you are a (potential) Client or business partner of Bridgetools, we collect information as data controller to enable you to resell and provide Services around our Platform, and to fulfil our contractual obligations to you as a (potential) Client or partner. This might include contact data about your employees to be able to communicate with them.

  • We collect information when you contact us to respond to your request, question, or issue, and to follow up on the resolution.

  • We collect and process your information, including personal details, when you apply for a position at Bridgetools or already work with us.

  • We may also collect information to prevent and detect crime, fraud or corruption.

What we collect

  • Most often in our role as data processor for our Clients, we collect name, email, phone and address from the customers of our Clients, on behalf of the Services or programs we run for them. Before we do so, the service we deliver always – by or on behalf of our Clients – asks for consent to do so or facilitate our Clients to do this. We require our Clients to always present their Privacy Policy to users – under which terms the data is collected – before or during such a registration of data.

  • At registration for one of the programs we operate on behalf of a Client, you usually provide a password to be able to identify yourself for subsequent log-in to your ‘account page’, which presents all or most of the information we collect, which allows you to see and edit (most of) this information. You are required to ensure the security of your password; if you use a password on our Sites, you are responsible for keeping it confidential. Do not share it with any other person or service. If you believe your password has been misused, we ask you for your immediate notification and encourage you to reset it immediately through the offered password reset service which you can find at the login page of the program you participate in.

  • After you have registered to a membership of one of the programs we run for our Clients, and you have agreed to the terms and conditions of that program, we might collect data about your log-ins, profile updates or preference changes, just as information you provide to the program in any of the offered forms, ratings, surveys, polls, contests, competitions, quizzes, coupons, challenges, assignments, sweepstakes or alike. Some data is collected automatically by reason of your activity on the site. We also may receive data when you visit a location or purchase products/services offered by our Client.

  • When you present your identity (by using an identifier such as a card/mobile app with a code, email address or a name) at a purchase related to one of the programs we run for our Clients, and this purchased is passed on to our Platform with an identifier, we register that transaction, along with data on the possible rewards, rights or privileges that we provide on behalf of our Clients. Similarly, when you redeem any of the accrued value or rights, we register that transaction to be able to keep track of the appropriate amount of value/rights that you have collected as member of one or more of the abovementioned programs.

  • Occasionally our website(s) gathers visitors’ data via activities such as seminars, free trial accounts, polls, surveys, etc. Participation is always on a voluntary basis, which allows you to chose to disclose any (personal) data. Such data may include contact information as name, email or phone number, demographic information or others. The data will be used to provide you with the service requested. Data gathered via surveys will be used for improving (the offering of) our Services.

  • If you are a Client of Bridgetools, we may collect which products and Services you use and contact data from the employees and executives we work with directly in order to Service you best.

  • If you sign a contract with Bridgetools, we may collect further details such as your signature or other proof of identity and/or bank account details.

  • In the latter case, we collect information when your customers use our Platform. If your customers identify him/her self by filling out a form, such as subscribe a newsletter, personal data of your customers will be collected.

Information that we and our partners/suppliers collect (for all or some of our Clients):

  • Email Providers; the data they collect might include behavioral data such as opening of Emails.

  • Hosting Provider; our hosting companies hosts the databases in which we save and process all data we use to run our Services with. For purposes of Service quality and security, they do log information on information requests to our servers, such as timestamp, IP-addresses, device specifications and/or browser versions from the visitors of our websites or users of our API’s.

  • We may make third-party applications available through our Services or Platform. Information received via third-party applications may include personal information or information about the application itself. The information collected by Bridgetools when you use a third-party application is handled under this Privacy Policy. Information collected by the third-party application provider is governed by their privacy policies.

How we use information

  • We protect your information

  • We take care to protect your personal data, and that of your Clients, against abuse or loss. As an example, we store it in secure environments. We also provide training to our employees on data protection best practices and require them to enter into a confidentiality agreement. Only a limited part of our staff has access to collected data and is allowed to process it.

  • We cannot guarantee absolute security though. If you would like to learn more about what we do to protect your data, please contact us.

  • We never sell or rent your and your customers’ personal information to third parties.

  • If you are a customer or partner, we may use your contact information to send you product or Services updates and information that is relevant to your use of the products and Services.

    • Your information may be processed by vendors that act on our behalf, such as services we use to maintain our contact records, provide webinar services, or provide back office services such as email and hosting. These vendors are under a data processing agreement with us, act on our instructions and adhere to the policies described in this document. Information shared with vendors and Service providers:

  • Email providers; for some Clients, we synchronize part of our database for subscribers to be able to send email campaigns, including email address and data used to increase the relevancy of campaigns such as preferences and previous purchases.

  • Hosting Companies; we might host (part of) our databases at a hosting provider and use their servers to process this data.

  • We process the collected data to increase relevancy of the use of our Services by analyzing it, creating automated recommendations based on it or create other automated follow up actions to offer you better or more interesting Services on behalf of our Clients, always only after you have registered yourself and only until you opt out of one or more of these Services.

  • We help Clients understand their customers and provide their customers with personalized offers, campaigns and customer experience or loyalty programs. Our Platform includes tools for creating rewards, contests, quizzes, campaigns and audience “segments” based on information about customers. These tools enable Clients to send relevant communications and promotions to (registered) customers.

  • We may anonymize, de-identify and/or aggregate the information we collect and use such anonymized, de-identified and/or aggregated data for our Clients’ business purposes in connection with the use or better use of our Services, including but not limited to sharing anonymized and de-identified data with our current and prospective Clients, business partners, affiliates, agents and other third parties for commercial, statistical and market research purposes, for example to allow those parties to analyze patterns among groups of people, and conducting research on demographics, interests and behavior.

How long we keep information

  • We keep your information only for as long as it is warranted from to fulfill our commitments to you, or to adhere to legal or regulatory requirements.

  • If you are a customer or partner, we keep the information for the duration of our relationship. Certain information may be kept for longer though, for instance contracts will be archived even when terminated.

  • If you have requested to receive marketing communications, we will keep your personal information only for as long as you interact with us.

  • In most cases, we keep your personal information for no more than 12 months after the last contact or when your contract has expired, with the exception of information we have to keep for legal reasons, such as signed contracts.

If you are a Bridgetools Client or partner

  • If you are a Bridgetools Client or partner, we may keep your personal information for the duration of our contract between your organization and us. If not required by law or regulation to keep your information beyond that term, we will remove it within 12 months of the contract ending.

  • If you have signed or entered into a contract with us, me typically archive and store that contract for an extended period of time, typically seven years or longer, depending on jurisdiction. Other items such as invoices may also be kept for longer than 12 months.

If you are not a Bridgetools Client or partner:

  • If you have signed up to take part in our discussion forums, your personal information will remain unless you explicitly tell us to remove it.

  • If you have been in touch with us with a question, demo request, asked for a quote, or have engaged with a sales representative, your information will be stored for up to 12 months after the last recorded activity, and will then be removed or anonymized.

  • If you have submitted a valid GDPR data subject access request to exercise your right to be forgotten we will delete your data within 30 days of the request.

Your choices and rights

  • Every email sent by Bridgetools allows you to change, edit or remove any information you provided to us at the time of registration for a Bridgetools Service or Client Program through an unsubscribe link or link to the above mentioned My Account Pages unless the email is the direct automated consequence of a requested Service (such as a password reset email validation) or a purchase, in which case you can always opt out of the service or program as a whole.

  • Without systematically doing so, we may analyze and track the various rates (for example: click, open, bounce rates) and the number of emails sent which you open to assess performance rates on our Client’s emailing campaigns or transactional emails, SMS or chat results.

  • You can choose to opt out of marketing communications at any time, regardless if you are a customer, partner, employee or none of the above. If you do not agree with the terms described in this Privacy Policy, or the terms offered to you when you register for one of the programs we operate on behalf of a Client, then please do not provide any (personal) data to us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, or if you choose not to provide us with any required information, you will not be able to use our Services. By giving your consent to us, you also retain the right to have your personal data rectified, to be forgotten and/or to be erased.

  • Bridgetools may publish a list of Clients and/or testimonials on its site with information on our Clients’ employee’s names and/or job titles. Bridgetools undertakes to obtain the authorization of every client before publishing any testimonial on its website. If you wish to request that your testimonial or case study be removed you may do so by contacting us directly.

  • In connection with any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company: In any such event, we will provide notice if your data is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

  • If you want to receive more information and/or submit a complaint about our privacy policy or related information, please contact our Data Privacy Officer at our office phone number or directly by mail through GDPRDPO ‘at’


Bridgetools does not knowingly collect Personal Data directly from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any Personal Data through one of the sites we facilitate. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Data on sites without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data to Bridgetools directly, please contact us, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.

We do process Personal Data from children if this data has been provided by parents, for example when a program is specifically focused at parents. Parents can always log in their account and remove the provided information as they please.